Theres not much to say the tittle says it all, im getting back into dw20 and my computer isnt the best so i would really appreciate having a void...
Hey i recently changed my name from Dop3r to Trust96 i was just wondering if i could get my T2 back :) Kit 1- Resource Kit 2-MobDrops
As the tittle says it is still active, but only on node2 because eandpi already removed it from node 1 some time ago. [IMG]
I've changed my name, could someone change my Donor perks? Old Name : Tamaohme New Name : Dop3r
Ok how will it work when i change my name tomorrow?
Yh i think the tittle says everything, some way to disable it of to get rid of it ?
Peripheral Proxy 1380 crashes the server when connected to a chest. Tested twice with @Deltachi
@Moderator @Administrator @Co-Administrator @Founder Could someone come check why is this happening? EDIT : Its fine now. Thanks anyways.
I had some problems with my pump so i tried to do something different as pumps are banned on the overworld. [IMG] I have a ritual below it to...
I was trying to do draw bridges and it says its banned but not in the /banneditems list. [IMG] [IMG]
EVERYTHING :D Just tell me ideias of what to do ^-^
Many players have been asking me why their spotloaders aren't working and as an adm and couple mods told me the forced chunk limit is probably...
Void Stone 1736:1 has the same crafting recipe as Wireless Modem 1123:1 (8 Stone around and 1 ender pearl in the middle) The recipe crafts the...
If the torches are given or sold in the market for a low price almost every player can have it easily and that way it will prevent random mobs...
My bound armor has -7k durability and whenever i equip it i die.
Hello everyone, my name is Tamaohme and i've been playing for almost a week and i lost all my tools/armor twice because of the lag and no warning...
Separate names with a comma.