currently theres a limit of ~20 claims for each user, which specially on Enigmatica2Expert is reached easily if you claim your CompactingMachines...
Hi, update to 1.2.1 broke the Receipe from the IC2 Transformer Upgrade, it shows the correct output but gives a tech reborn transformer upgrade,...
Hi, actually the MyM launcher seems to be set to 2GB RAM which for many people makes problems loading modpacks as they just close without error...
Hi, can we have access to /is setbiome command? Otherwise it's really annoying to make metamorphic stones from botania, and even worse we are...
Hi, haven't found a list yet so i thought we could make one based on the SF2.5 List from robzombie91 Skyfactory 2.5 End Game List for the market...
Hi, the EnderIO Transceiver sometimes just deletes all their Channels.
Hi, are the automatic farmworld resets not implented for 1.10 yet? Nether could really need a reset, it's the only source for spawners and...
decided to post in private section...
Hi, the solar panels stop working when the chunk got unloaded after placing them. Replacing them fixes the bug. Mod: Solar Flux Reborn Item:...
well, picture says everything i guess. idk how so many spawned without getting killed by the killerjoe. so we really need the moblimit feature....
hi, can't access /banneditems anymore (tested on infinity normal node6) [ATTACH]
Hi, actually the End wasn't reset today on Infinity Node6 normal. (Also theres no Infinity 6 in the Server Dropdown for new Threads :p) And it...
can we please get rftools dimensional shards in the shop?
Hey, Node5 sometimes performs really bad for the last week. TPS might not be the issue as we never had that much Timeouts before when server is...
Hier eine kurze Anleitung wie ihr den Chat anderer Server ausblenden könnt. Das Beispiel ist für Infinity Node5 und Node4, so das die Nachrichten...
As many players are annoyed by the Chat of other Nodes heres some tutorial how to filter their chat. The example is for Infinity Node5 to get rid...
Hi, it seems like there are no AE2 meteors generated in the Farmworld on Infinity Node5 Normal. All meteors i could find in overworld are...
Hi, is it possible to disable the Soundeffect which happens when someone summits the Vanilla Ender Dragon (with Phantasmal Bee) Everybody on the...
Hi, it seems impossible to find a unraided Crimson Post, is there any solution for this? (searched for about >1h now with 2 persons) Seems they...
hi, everytime i try to use one of the Thaum AE2 Terminals, or other Devices like molecular assembler/knowledge inscriber my client either crashs...
Separate names with a comma.