Hello harryboase, I have tried that. It is inconsistent for me either way. Your problem may lie in crosing chunk borders. I made sure that I was...
Hello together, I'm currently trying to use my Wand of Animation. As I'm crafting with it the item-health-bar gets lower. It says that you can...
since yesterday evening (13th March, 22pm CET) my game is crashing a few seconds after logging in. I'm able to load/render the chunk I'm standing...
I've tested all the mentioned tries yesterday again just before i wrote my last reply (#13). So: yes, it is still a problem. Edit: since it seems...
The items with ore-dictionary alternatives (Copper ingot and -gear) I use the "Thermal Foundation" ones.
I've run into this same problem just now. Since this thread is marked "done" I was wondering how you got the quest to accept the dynamo? I've...
Yes, no problem there. PS: "Mark Solved" isn't working for me though.
I've added a MergeRequest against MineYourMind/launcher · GitHub . If this is the false repro then please leave a link to the right one. I'll...
I've used the MyM-Launcher for a long time now. It works really well, the only small annoyance for me is: I'm starting it via a terminal, so I...
Just as an Info, a Bug-Report against ModTweaker2 (NOT Agrarian Skies 2) is here: "addPage" Null Pointer Exception · Issue #99 ·...
The same problem applies to me.
I chatted with Slind the other day. He told me that the Overworld (at least on Infinity, i specially asked about Node 1) will not be reset.
I see, no simple solution. Then I will mark this as done.
I have a low ping to the infinity.mineyourmind.net. my packages are hopping only 11 times: [spoiler] The ingame menu (<tab>) shows my ping at...
I have problems with extremely huge input lag on Node 1. It doesn't make the game un-play-able but If there is a simple solution I would like this...
Apiarist Database (Flora in a Box) from Extra Bees will most times exit you from the Server with the message:
I realy like this idea. +1 From me on that one.
Ah, thanks SirWill, I did asume mobdrops+ would overwrite mobdrops. So I'm just experimenting and getting mobdrops+ and mobdrops. Or Resource+ and...
I want to upgrade my Donor Tier. Currently I'm Tier 3 and have amongst others the kit "mobdrops". When I upgrade i get one "op" kit. I want this...
One day I was roaming through the beautiful wilds of MyM-Infinity. But suddenly a wild Notch appeared and killed me. Since an recent update there...
Separate names with a comma.