An unpainted conduit can't be placed in the world and for the quest, it needs to be a diamond block painted conduit. Chaosblad3's suggestion...
I was on last night (Sunday - PST) around 9:30-11:00 or so and when I first came on it started working (and chat said that it had been fixed). I...
I haven't gotten any to test so no clue.
I'm seeing the same issue. Originally Ocean biome (which worked fine) up until perhaps a few days ago. Changed it to plains to see if it would...
I was unable to get one until I changed the biome to Swamp. That may just be my luck but...
Yes please. :-)
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I was under the belief that if you pick up the indexer -- you lose all the contents. Once you know that about it,...
Hi Leglerm -- The conversation originated as whether or not the End should be a PvP dimension or not. It then grew into a casual conversation...
I didn't follow the bit about online server protection but I appreciate that trading is always a viable alternative to getting stuff. As far as...
You mentioned this before and I like it as a solution. I'd go a bit further though -- maybe you want to participate in pvp everywhere, that would...
You are obviously far better versed than I in the dark arts. I've yet to get bound armor in any of my worlds but all in good time. Having not been...
Two cents from another non-PvP player. I already don't go to the Nether because of PvP, so adding the End and/or other dimensions limits my...
Good point -- I'd forgotten about the fuzzy option on the partitioned drives. Me like!
Not yet, but it's something like 100k drones for one of the quest turn ins so I expect I will be. :-)
I went with chests (iron atm, but I'll upgrade to diamond ultimately) with storage buses. It's fine for early bees but once I have thousands, I'll...
Ack! I'll remove mine tonight -- gotta save my bees! ;-)
Hi, please add me to the whitelist. I'm ready to not have my quest book reset - lalala ;-) vecmor
I was able to go in without getting insta-gibbed, threw down a magnum torch and immediately left. This was last week -- I just checked and while...
Thanks, I'm working on blood magic (first time) now so I'll look into it. I believe there are also some ways of preserving your inventory on death...
No worries - I just saw a conversation that I could contribute to. Thanks for the server, I'm having a lot of fun with it. Be well.
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