Ty so much yeah ive lost so many singularitys tring to make them just now getting back up to 2 ill just hold them till i hear something =) thanks...
ive tried now 4 different times to create the Quantum Entangled Singularity ... when idetonate the tnt/tiny tnt, plus 2 other types it just...
Its basically a Altar from erebus mod. you make a basic altar then depenidng on what you throw on top of it it transforms. If you throw a elestic...
So any news yet it has been 8 days since you said you were going to submit the crafting recipes tonight. I know christmas came in there but a few...
the altar is from the same mod as the wand of animation erebus
yeah in kappa mode in single player. also that doesnt change how items ingame work just recipes. the item is craftable and useable both in kappa...
Repair altar isnt working atm on the kappa server. it works in single player but some reason it isnt working to repair the wand of animation...
sigh another day down =/
me too ..been a few days and still not in though =/
Same thing about 50% of the time
So guessing not approved yet? Just woke up and checked ingame no new recipes heh
with how chunkloading is on the mym servers it is easy to kill the CG's . All you ahve to do is pull him barely 2chunks away.. fly in kill the...
So if they are approved are you going to post the recipes here or somewhere with ss's or will they show up ingame. iknow the mym way to do tnt...
So any news yet? been a few days so just curious
2.2.1 is what the server is on atm. theydo a great job keeping it on the best pref release version
i went and looked and yeah only four i have animated are awakened draconium block, infinity, vibrantium, and neutronium i do bedrock through...
TBH it isnt the blocks with emc to worry about.. itsthe blocks with no emcthat youusually animate and double with wand.. EMC'able blocksyou can...
coo good to hear ..just curious you doing neutronium block also? which endgame ones you thinking about .. just curious and bored atm im in...
so any news yet? and only idea icould come up with is a recipe that uses either the staff and a block to make two blocks. get the staff back...
sigh still nothing.. guess ill get some thatmissed thing called sleep =/
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