Is the smeltery in 1 chunk? I think its f9 to see chunk bounderies, ( or f10)
Yes the smelerty is a buggy multiblock. And most time can be fix with replacing the controller. If this doesn't work, try to place the controller...
You can create a enderportal when you kill the enderdragon(spawn egg) is a reward form the questbook. You also could try to trade with other...
yes peacefull will remove the spawning of all aggressive mobs. But the cap is only for the server(to remove as much lagg as possible) and the...
No, clearlag only removes entitys's (items that are on the ground) or the mob clear lag will only remove agrasive mobs. This does not include any...
Hi, i made this thread so you can change your save location of the mym launcher. The reason i use this is because the normal save location is...
James If you need more leather(without killing cows) you can get them for a stack of cobble when you do /c
When i started yesterday both my strongboxes were filled.
DasHaus if you read this treat you can read that you can break them with a pickaxe, aslo make new threat if you need help
Fixed it you can break, bugged activators with a pickaxe, The activator is in your vacuum hopper
Btw, if you can make a pistion you should check out the extruder, its a automatic cobble gen,
Yhee i can craft them now. Thanks for the help
haha lol sorry:)
Still non valid upgrade
Oke thanks i made a work around with my me sytem and some import and export. but maybe for a other project this would be a nice to have them. But...
Well its was just a reminder for willi so, i already talked to him
Its not in banneditems and on other servers(crackpack) it works.
The crafty turtles are not craftable the normal and the advanced. The receipe should be: Workbench (id:58) + Turtle (id: 1232) = crafty...
The first thing you should try is to force update your client. Most time this fixes mismatched items.
As i already have sad, you gave him trust, This means he is allowed to do anything on your island. And we appreciate it when you don't it on the...
Separate names with a comma.