There was an issue with the server host. You can find more details on Discord. It should all be good now, though!
Linking it here is fine
And don't forget to sanitize your inputs!
The command /entitycontrol list-near should be available to you and can help you determine what is nearby. Sevtech has a lot of problems with mobs...
You misspelled Sevtech lol
Is there supposed to be a link to that thread in the Infity changelog? Because it's not a link.
We don't add alter packs outside what is necessary for running on our network so we will not be adding any mods like this.
Stoneblock 3 uses Java 17. Additionally, you need to replace the java arguments in the settings with the ones pinned in the patron support channel...
The plugins are being worked on, but from what I understand of what the admins have said a few critical ones are still not working/don't have the...
Heyo FleetFireGaming_, This has been requested before and denied. We do not edit packs outside what is necessary for running on our network...
This is great! Suggested additions: [SPOILER] [SPOILER]
Hey there, I'll ping the @Senior Moderator so one of them can fix that for you!
You can choose the correct version on CurseForge.
2 or 3 staff members poking about is very different from half a dozen players rtp'ing repeatedly for considerable periods of time. There's really...
Hey everyone, I think this discussion has run its course so I'm closing the thread. Thank you OP for bringing up the suggestion, the mod team will...
It's actually a very light pack, especially compared to packs like MM and such. But yes, there are quite a few other reasons it wouldn't work for us.
I missed that somehow, but the same thing happens for me on multiple packs so if it is the problem it should still apply.
Hi arkcadia, I apologize for not being able to get back to you about this sooner! I just hopped onto SF4 myself to see if it's similar for me and...
For the HUD issue I suggest checking your resolution and GUI scale settings. For your inventory problem have you tried checking your keybinds in...
Have you been utilizing the farmworld dimension? While that doesn't help with finding a good area to build a base it does have all the resources...
Separate names with a comma.