Me and my friend are going to choose a mod pack not knowing which one is best we want one with loads of players that regularly stay on the server....
Which server has the biggest amount of players on it?
There not because i can log in on different mods
Sorry for late reply I will try that now (been at work)[ATTACH]Now It comes up with this[ATTACH]Now It comes up with this
To report this error, please provide: com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.exc.UnrecognizedPropertyException: Unrecognized field "author" (class...
How do i exactly play this so i launch it through mym or what i cant think how i did it before?
Whitelist Please Griefing: Is when your self or more people target one person and you kill them over and take there items when your not meant...
Yes i looked just a sec ago and no luck
Will you guys be adding the new b-team mod. Revenge of the b-team. It;s just come out and I would thyink it would be good to have?
okay dokey thanks
How do i make it throught the questbook?
I made a party just before i handed it in, ill try and make one at the start. its /party create isnt it?
Hi there iv'e started a new ag world and me and my friend only haver one hopper and i handed in the quest and now he dosen't have one. We have...
oh thats good
oh i installed 2.0 and its not there for me to choose
thanks for that i can not use lucky blocks now
this dosent solve my problemn tho
When i load up sky factory it says i cant join because of loot bags and inf Inventories. Ive took them off aswell
There is a problem when you vote you don't receive you myms
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