I meant 3x3 chunk area.
I check all mod files and almost all configs.Their not disabled.I think it might be a bug or something.Edit : I got a pech in singleplayer.Checked...
I check the configs their natural spawning isnt disabled.
Auvreaeath im trying to spawn them in magical forest.I saw millions of wisps spawning but not pech. Pech is harder than getting that saplings or...
Im waiting a pech to spawn in 3x3 chunk area.I tried dark-light rooms and every light level on grass-cursed earth-cobblestone for about 100...
w4yn386 is owner. Cords are x -17295 z -710Please be quick.I cant do any progress without it.
I cant change my biome because my island owner wasnt online for a month.Can someone change my biome into magical forest?
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