may i be whitelisted please :)
i know... maybe is my launcher problem, but when i paste the link: it says broken API link btw, i...
well is good to know that is not completly lost... anyway i was talking about the technic launcher, if you press INSTALL THIS MODPACK it copy the...
oh ok thk anyway
wehn i try download it, it say Broken API link...
then is better shutting them down, or wait for Modpack Devs to update them to 1.7, so we will have ontime, and other plugins working on 1.7 too
is possible to do it with other packs like B-Team, Agrarian, TPPI or others, even ag+ if is not 1.7
just wondering about a ting, if you will decide to shut down 1.6.4 servers in the future, i tink you can try update the whole modpack in a mym...
not as moderator
thk to everyone who helped me while i needed help, thk to everyone that trusted me, bye, see you soon, but as normal player
i will be away from MyM network for a couple of days
Guys, i feel a bit ad btw
Kill jim :P
Where is Mista Wiskas?
you little bastard jim Jk
Whitelist me pls i want to play with this beautiful modpack on your server :) PS: Lobby have no more secrets for me i founded all :) PS2: thk to...
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