maybe make a small modpack with pixelmon , tinkers construct , open block , extra utilities , carpenters blocks , and chisel and i think a lot of...
i feel like if i play late ill prob get murdered by people who just roam around and kill people with crazy armor and tools but there are so many...
i can use optifine with the mym launcher for some reason its good with other launchers for the same modpack
i did not save one it happens randomly and its really laggy using the mym launcher also only on infinity 4 am i getting timed out i am not...
i was using the curse launcher and i also tried using the mym launcher but i keep on crashing randomly witht that launcher anways i was still...
i have been trying to play infinity 4 the whole day but when i log in i keep on getting timed out every minute it is getting really annoying i...
oh ok thank you for answering my question benny and julio
oh so the dimension in disabled or the portal if the dimension is not disabled would it still be laggy if someone used a link book to enter?
Why can i not make a portal to the twighlight forest? i can make it the normal way or with using the nether portal plugin its says its disabled,...
Is it bevoTech pack mini and how do i access it
FYI Most mod makers are skipping 1.7.2 and going straight to 1.7.10
oh dang because i could run agrarian skies normal i thought i could run +I thought ag + had like 10-15 more mods that ag
Oh that i have it set to the settings how you tell us to put it for 32 bit machinesMin mem is 256 and max 1,0124 and perm gen is 128
I have a 32 bit and ummm i dont know how to access the options for java?
The game is running. Please wait. Oct 08, 2014 6:18:40 PM net.minecraft.launchwr - thats the full log
I did that and now im getting in the console 2014-10-08 13:28:22 [SEVERE] [Minecraft-Client] ########## GL ERROR ########## 2014-10-08 13:28:22...
Whenever i try to launch the agrarian + Modpack on the launcher i crash or freeze here is the crash report [spoiler]
When ever i Try to launch this modpack on the mym launcher i keep on crashing or freezing Here is the crash report could anyone help? -removed-
Can i be whitelisted i would love to play it
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