will this be added into the MyM launcher? if so how soon? cant wait to try it out -Trizmo
not that it matters too much "grand_trizmo"
Hello I recently lost my island (probably about 4-6 days ingame time put into it between two people) I lost it on December 26 just before 8PM CST...
you put it at the new location? C2 +15000 -12600 I just logged in and it wasn't there. The new island is registered to "Grand_Trizmo" my other...
oh the island might have been registered to drmacguyver or nerixus (that location was for the new base) If you find it it will be a large castle...
I appreciate the help Slind. I knew i could count on someone to atleast try to help. I lost the island some time on Novemeber 26th Although im not...
yes, but you guys have also given refunds to other players that were sync,but why not us? is it because the others that got refunds didnt come...
alright ill be sure to not play here again because although there is a no refund polocy ive seen refunds given on many occasions and also no...
bump @Founderbump @Founder
So i was playing on C2 working on my sweet base that i share with DrMacguyver and Nerixus. I was working on excavation the central part of our map...
he was in the corner of the island the clones are at center
yah exploiting his "death" he died and had a cloneits on CL2
yah and he has a clone that he didnt spawn to so it was not right of him to be "dead" anyways
he was in the death screen and logged out so i could still play on our island
in the rules and regulations to apparently make sync work you said to login through the lobby, but thats not going to change anything if it...
i can understand that HQM is buggy and has a few issues, its not as catastrophic as Sync. There are a few ways of fixing the sync issues with the...
I feel the same way drmacguyver does. we have been having many problems with sync. just as soon as we get setup we lost it because sync doesnt...
Done - lost my island | MineYourMind Community Done - Lost My Island | MineYourMind Community they got it back from similar issues
did i say that you said it? it was someone else on staff. i dont want to be pointing names getting people in trouble, but yes you had told me they...
yes it still exists and your staff told me allweek about it being fixed next day and it still isnt -trizmo
Separate names with a comma.