A rollback, if allowed, will need to be between the co-ordinates +1704, -392 and +1830, -515 I do hope such is given because griefing, as a whole,...
Well that sucks... Oh well... At least we now know it's impossible to get dragon skin scales.
We did it in frustration when someone came in and killed the dragon before asking why it was respawned.. I should have requested a reset straight...
After using a temple caller the first time to bring back the end, it broke and the end became inaccessible to everyone... Sir willi fixed the...
It errrr... Happened again... I decided to try the temple caller to spawn another ender dragon and now the end? Is no longer accessible.
Blazesolaris and VivecaMouna The build is on Modsauce, in the overworld Co-ord's are x= -1706, z= +1910 The building is a large apartment block......
the server is working fine for myself... As I say, it was a friend, whom is now asleep, that had the issues... thanks for the help, I'll say if he...
Then it's a chunk that SubeVicente teleported to? well, I'm guessing that myself. But yeah, let's just hope the problem isn't at someone's base.
Right well, I'm not going to rush you because it's not that urgent... But at least the problem is known now... SubeVicente won't be trying to log...
Is the corrupted chunk on a claim? Or where Sube currently is?would reverting his location to spawn be a viable solution?
Thank you guys.
Update... When SubeVicente tries to join, it immediately closes the server.
It seems that the Modsauce server is currently having issues... For the past hour, another user has been trying to enter the server, simply move...
All kits are now available. Thank you for the help, guys and enjoy the rest of your day :)
It says no kits are available and that I have no access to that command, for all three kits. I can understand that these next few days will be...
I shall re-log and see if it fixed.
I have done, yes... I do apologise for the mess and stress this is causing to you guys.
As I see, nor does it want to update, after manually moving to a 1.6 server to access the rank titles, then move to a 1.7 server to play... It...
Thank you for the help... Will I have to log into a 1.6 server to change my title to its preference?
Separate names with a comma.