I've found the issue here to actually be with windows scaling being horrid. Changed to a new OS via VM and the launcher looks perfect. Sorry for...
This- http://puu.sh/kA4yk/de98cb6c45.jpg Please fix that, my monitor is 5120x2880, however at 4k or even lower to UHD I guarantee the launcher...
I am playing on infinite 5 and would like to know if anybody on there has a giant cobblestone, wood, or obsidian I can trade for? Also anybody...
I'd like a whitelist on this server, been looking for a pack to play here after resurrection was euthanized. I have 24 hours of playtime without...
You shall be missed FTB Resurrection...
I'll have that item replacement list done in a day or so, if we are able to replace GT ores with ic2 ores which shouldn't be tile entities it may...
I don't know about 4 chunks thats only 64 blocks either direction, id say at least 6 chunks minimum (64% decrease in chunks visible).Ill also go...
Donors can still afk as much as we want right?
gonna say, had like 1 day of playtime and resurrection is my second life lol.
Whoever makes the item list be sure to list the GT ores that ic2 doesn't replace like naquadah etc. If nobody wants to I might be able to.
May have to keep them. However the ores that ic2 does not have are much more rare and smaller veins so it would make a good impact but not remove...
Just lost them again, my total should be 6200 since I just voted, and there are two axxxxxon's on the list http://puu.sh/eLhP3/0c235a1a0f.png I'm...
Well a system was mentioned above that could over time select differn't region files /chunks and remove blocks, if it can do that you can replace...
Seems to be just me and axxxxxon, everybody else got theirs back, so can some admin hop online and give us the MyMs?
To add to it Axxxxxon just lost over 4500 MyMs this morning, same random MyM deletion bug that happened to me yesterday after the crash.
I mentioned something similar, there are very few ores that ic2 doesn't already have, we could disable the redundant ones and use the ic2 ores,...
After the madness this morning my MyMs get lost somehow and it seems i'm the only one, the amount lost was 6010. @Administrator @Founder...
I don't think thats possible without deleting the current world however, there is disabling all Gregtech ores that have ic2 versions since all ic2...
Almost the entire focus of this pack is gregtech, sure it has thaumcraft and twilight but its mainly gregtech, and since all gregtech packs of...
This server is still not anywhere near as much of a lag fest as some that i've been on so I can deal with this, i'll go for option 3.
Separate names with a comma.