Yes, there are two signs... The 1st sign says: Use the pressure plates to unlock tutorial state. The 2nd sign says: You can only build & break...
I realize that this server was initially limited to only certain members of the community. Over the past few days, I have noticed a lot of...
Yes, I went from the Farmworld to the overworld. I agree what looks like what happened is that the cow was concealed but the effects of carrying...
RESOLVED: Even though I was no longer visually carrying the cow when I went home the effect of carrying the cow was still applied. I had to go...
Situation: I am walking really slow. Background: I tried to carry a cow (using the carry mod) and then go back home with the /home command. When...
I can confirm as well that the sites are working again. Yesterday when attempting to vote a few of the sites did not provide the "Prove you are...
I first noticed that some of the voting sites appear to be inoperable today. It appears to be something to do with the system that verifies you...
I was able to log in... not sure if it was just an intermittent server issue or something on my end... lets see.
I logged out a min before server restart 10:35 (PST -8), and waiting a few min. I opened MYM Launcher and logged in to Monster North. I start at...
sigh... orionbeta 0 MYM 1
I had the same issue... thank you for the explaination... this perhaps should be a sticky or announcement on all the servers? Sounds like a task...
LOL... great... yeah to be honest me too... LOL I like the idea.
LOL.... Update Yesterday I got... Raw Piranha 20513:14. Today I got... Raw Angelfish 20513:19 How many more fish are there... :banghead: :happy:
LOL. sounds good.
Ok... 1st I just want to ensure you know I am not angry in this post I am really only curious, as I am actually laughing about the random items I...
I Just logged into Monster 2 and it did not happen. :happy: I tried Monster + as well, and it seems to be working correctly.... :)
Again thank you for working this issue.
All I can say is Thank you for everyone working together and providing details to those that need it. Eventually I am confident the solution will...
I just sent you the file via private convo.
ok... I just logged into Monster 2 and the same issue happened where I logged in, and then 5 sec later without moving I returned to spawn....
Separate names with a comma.