Lol, I'm not so patient as you... Anyway, proved that it's a video acceleration issue, if you'll ever want to try to come back to the Intel...
Ok, you have set java to your NVIDIA GPU in that control panel: that's a "global" setting for any java application, regardless of the Minecraft...
I don't own a laptop but just asked to John_Frog: he selects an .exe file (MyM launcher), then "Run with graphics processor" (or something like...
Hello Pippin You have an "ig7icd64.dll" in your Minecraft crash log: it seems people are having this kind of issues running Minecraft 1.7+ with...
I used to listen to the full discography of Muse, but stopped after those little cute green evil creatures keeping blasting me in the air because...
Oh, thank you! Just learned something new
Sir Will, please, will you give the seed of the Node 2 Overworld map, so (maybe) I can re-generate it from scratch and paste my base in the proper...
Server name: Direwolf20 Node 2 World name: Overworld Coordinates (center): X: 1736 Y: 100 Z: -377 Player names: (2 attached claims): elbite +...
Just visited the area of the event and taken a ton of screenshots: very nice! I liked the funny staffers' mausoleum ("Here lies...") and the pixel...
Summing up for those who will read this long multi-topic thread: About the "Reed Block Wall" blocks from Botania "randomly" appeared in Overworld...
Ah I see, thank you very much Chugga. Browsing the web I've realized that it happens after the 1.7 update, because they have increased the...
I've just logged for the first time into Node 3: walked a long distance plus random-teleported myself as much as possible (on Node 3 I can't fly)...
Hello everybody and thank you all, both Staffers and Users, for your help and attention about these strange issues. I have just shot a detailed...
Yep, the framerate issue has been fixed for me too, although John_Frog's harvester didn't use to be so resource-hungry until today (weird! But...
+1763 -346 63 [IMG] +1570 -422 75 [IMG] +1844 -412 67 [IMG] +1794 -396 73 [IMG] +1831 -402 93 [IMG]
Wishing a real-life crafting table to repair my car.
My... ugh... portal
My dear Lizzie
John_Frog and me
John_Frog has just found a cat in the old book shop
Separate names with a comma.