@Slind How do we add it to the technic launcher again?
I love this view <3
This is the end.
You can not hold your bags man :(
Server name: Bteam World name: Over world Coordinates (center): X: -2069.628 Z: -4621.7858 Player names: Sunleaf01 My base is larger then 20...
[31/3/2016 23:02:56 PM] [Client thread/INFO] [STDOUT]: [com.mrcrayfish.furniture.api.RecipeRegistryRemote:registerRemoteRecipes:988]:...
Just close your minecraft and restart it untill the volume works, its on and off with me.
I had the same problem too at one point. I essentially remade everything.
OkayI figured out that the config folder was missing some files ie. the ATlauncher.conf and the jar folder with 1.7.10 inside. Thanks for your...
Via Ip cteam.mineyourmind.net It tells him to relog, and sometimes he is on for 5 or so minutes and then it crashes his client.
Hi! My friend Dartfrog724 continuously cant connect to c-team, but can easily connect to b team. When he gets kicked, it shows no crash report.
I mastered witchery I can teach it :D
AWW that sucks :(
Separate names with a comma.