a tip i can provide is that RfTools has a block that can protect other blocks from being broken but doesnt freeze them in time like the warding...
This would still require a way to get crimson cultist because all of them will be gone from the overworld
Suprisingly enough the eldritch bosses do have spawn eggs and i have been trying to get them to be craftable for months :P
hungry nodes are pretty rare though it may have ate your grave
Ferret business is a pretty good kitchen sink pack with some mods not often found in other packs
On a related note i think there should be a crafting recipe with say 4 eldritch eyes amd five void metal blocks that allow you to craft the spawn...
I have looked for the past forty five minutes while flying with speed boost and have yet to see a single one in the farmworld. As previously shown...
Black Widow ---> Brown Recluse
I tried to do /stats me and my client crashed, ive heard that other people are crashing from /is trustlist but the load time for sf2.5 isnt that...
Can we tag @administrator or can staff only do that?
This is a pretty bad bug cause now im stuck on the spawn ship and cant use /is home i think this may also prevent new people from playing and we...
Risk of rain my fave game ever
So i made a pack that i've been playing on by myself for a while and i was considering making some quests and adding a few tweaks to make it fit...
Tammy Eats Red Rambunctious Anteaters P H K E G
Pain resonates across ninas knee C A R L E
Right now its cause i'm working on a 1.10 sky block hqm pack :P btw quests take sooooo long to make
i think the mob may be someone in morph, probably just someone trolling you. ask them to stop or submit a ticket maybe?
Maybe a preater spawn egg recipe with eldritch eyes and some void metal armor/ void robes?
I'm pretty sure i'm just well known due to the fact that i play or at least used to a REALLY lot hence the prophet rank which gave me loads of points
You should probably file a ticket, stand near it and do the command /ticket create
Separate names with a comma.