Go ahead and make it man. You have my blessing but i think this should be posted in sf3's forum
This list is mostly likely bunkt because of the release of Skyfactory 3.0. Anyone that wants to continue the list into the newest version is free...
Good to see the staff is handling the changes. Thanks
If a staff member wants to take over the original post please do so since im not playing as much as i want too
I'n reality its up to the mods/admins to set the tone on what should be sold on the market. I just made a list to make it slightly easier to find...
Wish Granted. I had a wish for more fish but i got too much fish for a wish. I wish for Every admin to make a wish
Nope Lucid. I pretty much copy/pasted from the old list, added the new things and removed things that where not in 2.5. Please if you have...
Wish granted. You got your iWatch but the iWatch 2 comes out immediately making you regret your wish. I wish for World War 3
Wish granted. Every server on mym goes down due to the lack of rules and we all are left without a place to go. I wish for the next person's wish...
Wish granted. Your Death was painful and you wished you could live longer. I wish for an Anti-Monkey's Paw
and yes sirwill. There are alot of changes from Skyfactory 2 and Skyfactory 2.5 which requires a major list update
I kinda agree with chugga on the nether star debate. You'd technically be arguing on the banning of cobblestone/diamonds side of the debate since...
Ill see to that edit
Change-logs Edit 1.0: Removed Requirary Items Because the mod doesn't exist anymore Edit 2.0: Reworded Zivicio items and added wither star...
The items listed in this post and any items requiring them are classed as endgame items so therefor should not be listed on the market in this...
Not that im aware off. Its a useful feature but being kicked for using it kinda sucks
What plugin or option do i need to disable to avoid getting kicked by the anti-chat for using a feature that was built into skyblock?
I agree with your recommendation of removing hell as anyone knows if you have journey-map installed (almost anyone who uses the ftb client uses...
---- Minecraft Crash Report ---- // Would you like a cupcake? Time: 5/17/16 10:49 PM Description: Unexpected error...
WIerd bug. I had stuff checked off and went afk for about 30 minutes. Came back and everything i checked off was unchecked
Separate names with a comma.