Oh boy....should have started this a while ago.. Added most donor perms Added staff perms Linked slack to in game (player and staff side) Enabled flight in server.properties to fix disconnect issue
Tried to update Sponge to combat the 60 tick issue with Forge, however it failed terribly by hitting a Pixelmon bug. I have now tweaked it and set a 60min (1 hour) reboot to combat the issues. Someone somewhere is causing a tick loop till the automatic system in Forge kills the server to save itself.
Updated to Beta 7 (you will need to delete the old one and download the new) Updated Sponge Updated plugins
updated to 5.0.1 pixelmon mod is now being downloaded directly from pixelmonmod.com (nodecdn), no more manual download updated to all custom mods/plugins to match our dw20 and sf3 1.10 servers
Pixelmon Node 2: Fixed bug where you get stuck on a waiting screen when trying to catch a Pokemon in an Admin claim aka Spawn Fixed keepInventory rule. Hopefully
Disabled PixelFriends due to incompatability with the current version causing crashes Disabled PixelAuction due to not displaying the auction messages in chat
Update Pixelmon Mod to version 5.0.4 (Changelog) Updated PixelExtras to version 2.2.7 Updated SpawnOfPsyduck to version 2.3.2 Re-Enabled PixelFriends and updated to version 2.1.0 Re-Enabled PixelAuction and updated to version 1.1.3 Switched World Edit to a Forge Version