1.10+ Packs To Follow

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Lawmonark, Aug 5, 2016.

  1. Lawmonark

    Lawmonark Well-Known Member

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    I have been following a few packs as they are being developed.
    As i see more, i will add them to this thread. If you know of any, list them here also.

    Packs: Wyldlife /UHC 4 / Wyldbits
    Author: Wyld
    These packs, creator is mostly know for packs like FTB Ultimate, UHC(Ultra Hard Survival) and Skyfactory 2.5. Just last week i caught a stream of his where he was trouble shooting bugs and crashes with he new projects called Wyldlife, Wyldbits & (UHC 4). While they may not be a special packs, there is always a sense of balance in the packs, no one can question the quality and stability of his packs.

    Pack: InfiTech 2 - Moonstranded
    Author: JasonMcRay
    Jason is currently part of the FTB 3rd party pack team. He has been working on InfiTech for about 3 years. In my opinion InfiTech 2 is one of the best 1.7.10 packs. In his recent lets play, he got stuck on the moon. This has caused him to return to a project he started in 2014 (Moonstranded). This is definatly a pack to watch out for.

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