Info Network-wide Access to Twilight Forest to be permanently removed!

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by chaosblad3, Dec 9, 2015.

  1. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:44 PM
    I will be taking responsibility for implementing new recipes hopefully by the end of the week and then access to it will be completely disabled across the entire network
    Edit: Now disabled on all servers.

    Twilight Forest Custom Recipes - Normal

    Players of Infinity Evolved (Expert mode) I would also like suggestions for some harder recipes that fit with the pack style for implementing on IE1-3 :D

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    Last edited: Dec 23, 2015
    bigbluu722, elemage and Scull like this.
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    5:44 PM
    I like these as for evolved I dont see why it should change as getting to twilight is the same in evolved correct?
  3. Glorac

    Glorac Well-Known Member

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    6:44 PM
    What will be done with Twilight Forest uncraftable items, like the various rare trees and such?
  4. K1ngAtlas

    K1ngAtlas New Member

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    6:44 PM
    TF is one of the best mods in the game. I don't understand why you would remove it. instead of removing the dimension why not crack down on laggy bases? that is where the problems are.
    what will happen to items and blocks we already have. will they be removed? what if we built our base with those blocks will the be gone?
    Bone_Raiderx likes this.
  5. WorCannibal

    WorCannibal Blasphemy is a victimless crime

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    TF is fun and all, but in the end it's just a novelty.
    bigbluu722 likes this.
  6. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

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    10:44 PM
    I would disagree with this comment, although twilight has a nice progressive boss system it has very little effect on the progressive nature of every pack. Yes there are blocks and items that would be a novelty to have or build out of but in disabling it you can still get to end game without it. If you were to review the statistical evidence on server performance that the TF causes you would understand why disabling it is a good choice.

    In terms of items that you already have, you will be able to keep them and custom recipes will be added so you are able to craft the block you are using.
  7. Asapps

    Asapps Well-Known Member

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    R.I.P. Exploration
    JosephSMO likes this.
  8. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    I often see ~20 badly customized, end-game bases loaded at any given time, with 5-10 tps-drain
    However, with just 1-2 players in the twilight forest, tps can go down by 7-15.... compared, 1 player in the twilight is about equal to 10 fully loaded bases. That's a huge difference.

    This is mostly caused by the developer of the Twilight Forest refusing to fix the bad chunk-(re)loading that has been in for several MC-versions now
    Ash00182 likes this.
  9. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:44 PM
    Trust me when I say we do not take this decision lightly, the twilight forest is a provable issue, I have personally seen the TPS drop from near 20 to less than 10 with just one player exploring in TF, we have seen this happen time and time again every time we have tried to have TF enabled, but the fact is that it really does hog a lot of CPU power to load TF chunks, particularly when players travel really fast using various methods of flight.

    The mod itself is not being removed, so all the stuff you have already obtained will be unaffected, as I stated in my initial post, I will be adding custom crafting recipes for pretty much everything worth having in the next couple of days before access to the dimension will be completely disabled.

    They will be getting custom recipes too, it's just a matter of deciding how to balance the recipes.

    Just to add, I will likely be making most if not all of the non-boss TF mob spawn eggs craftable, so items that are normally only obtainable as mob drops you might have to craft the spawn egg for first instead of the item itself being craftable ;)

    But where is the fun in that, yes technically the FTB team might not have messed with any TF recipes to make them expert difficulty, but there's no reason why we shouldn't :p
    BookerTheGeek and pizzaluc like this.
  10. Glorac

    Glorac Well-Known Member

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    6:44 PM
    Regrowth does a pretty nice job of spawn-egg crafting, if you wanna look at that for reference. It gets everything behind Botania, but that seems reasonable given the nature of Infinity Evolved (expert mode) at the least.

    Not sure how much access we have to the way Tree of Transformation works, I haven't looked through any of the code or configs yet, but if we could craft the Tree of Transformation with something like Pure Daisies and Mutandis around a Silverwood sapling, that would make sense thematically and integrate the magic mods. Then some of the other saplings and items could be a mutation brought on by the Tree of Transformation effect (Oak sapling becomes Rainbow Oak, etc). Just a thought.
  11. chipmunx

    chipmunx Well-Known Member

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    Mazestone could be made from a pulverized Livingrock and crushed Cement blend fired up in a heater, and chisel could be used to make the various forms of that. Aurora Blocks could be created using clouds in Botania mana pools. Aluminum and Dark Iron could be used in a lot of the replacements recipes to make the gathering of Aluminum a bit more useful. Aluminum IS theorized to be the metal Mithril in Tolkein's books was based from, so that could be used in some form with sheared leaves to make Steeleaf or in a recipe for creating knightmetal materials.
  12. Ackross

    Ackross SpudWhacker

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    10:44 PM
    wow O.T.T. much ? lol

    I wont miss the bosses thing but :

    Reasons I would even bother with Twilight when starting out and gathering resources:

    • Good sources of mazestone to be farmed for building secure bases in overworld
    • enchanted Forest for silverwood, which are few and far between
    • Good source for near-insta-chop of wood quickly
    • Good source of stone bricks and mossy stone for ball of moss and bricks for building
    • dungeons loot some times can be good for getting items early
    TIP: other similar MC servers run the twilight DIM on his own server, and when people use the portal or tp to a player or tp using /home twilight, it puts them on that server running the DIM. Problem solved :))

    If removing it from direwolf server then i would reccomdned putingthe items on market as infinte but not at prices over 100 mym like the recent ones , thats just crazy)

    Aurora blocks
    yeti fur
    mazestone (5 variants)
    mossy stone brick
    saplings for non vanilla trees

    Zxirl likes this.
  13. K1ngAtlas

    K1ngAtlas New Member

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    6:44 PM
    forcefield - laser table glass?
    Castle block - chisle a double compressed cobble?
  14. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    well here are a couple of recipes i would like to see added
    also i don't think there should be a problem with adding these to both expert and normal since they are all cosmetic.

    this recipe would give u 7 aurora blocks after each craft
    this recipe would give 9 blocks after each craft
    each recipe would give you 8 after each craft and to get each of them you just change the dye to the right colour (purple, blue pink, yellow)
    each recipe would give 2 blocks after each craft
    each recipy would give you 16 of whatever forcefield just change to dye for the colour you want (purple, pink, orange, green, blue)
    each recipe would give 4 blocks after each craft
    i think that's all the main blocks for decoration
  15. Zxirl

    Zxirl Well-Known Member

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    There should be no difference in the recipes for any server (Normal vs Expert).

    TF adds cosmetic blocks, lets just stick to making recipes that work network wide.

    Ill help w/ recipes if needed ^_^, I like the ones that Adrian has suggested so far.
  16. Adrianfish

    Adrianfish Well-Known Member

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    6:44 PM
    i could also come up with some more if you like but the ones i posted i think are all the causmetic blocks
  17. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:44 PM
    On IE expert i'm gonna go with 2x mana infused ingot+2x leaves (any)+transformation powder=2 steeleaf, since mana infused metal actually IS mithril according to the ore dictionary so that fits better ;) I'll probably just go with steel ingots for the normal recipe though.

    Transformation powder which will probably be used in quite a few of my recipes will be made from 1x netherstar+1 redstone dust+1x glowstone dust+1 leather= 32 transformation powder

    Mazestone will be craftable by placing 8 concrete (chisel) in normal mode, or 4 concrete (immersive engineering)+2 stone dust+2 livingrock in expert mode, around a Mazebreaker pickaxe (uses 1 durability of the pick per craft, but pick has 1.5k~ to start with anyway) then chisel to switch type, the Mazebreaker will crafted from 3x ironwood pickaxe+maze map focus+transformation powder, maze map focus will be a maze wafer surrounded by 4 ironwood ingots, maze wafer is just bread+sugar+shears (1 durability), gives 2.
    The problem is we have several different modpacks with TF in, so that would mean needing an extra hosted server per modpack at least.. we don't have the resources to host that many servers just so people can explore TF without lagging all of the different build servers

    I've said this before and I'll say it again, I vastly prefer making recipes to just dumping things on the market, but regarding the items that were recently re-added, those items are at the same price we have always listed them for, and are perfectly reasonable when you consider how many myms you can get per day from voting.
    Tweaked slightly but mostly as you suggested :)
    Again, where is the fun it that, I'm going to make all of the normal recipes first anyway, but if I have the time to go back and expertify some of the recipes for expert mode then why shouldn't I? ;)
    Last edited: Dec 10, 2015
    BookerTheGeek likes this.
  18. chipmunx

    chipmunx Well-Known Member

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    6:44 PM
    Oof, you got me there. I just wanted to see more uses for aluminum. :confused:
  19. chaosblad3

    chaosblad3 Very Well-Known Member

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    10:44 PM
    I'll use aluminum for making knightmetal ingots then ;)
    2 aluminum ingot+2 gold nuggets+1 liveroot=1 armour shard cluster which smelts into one knightmetal ingot.

    Expert can be 3 aluminun + 2 mana infused nuggets + liveroot = 1 shard cluster
  20. chipmunx

    chipmunx Well-Known Member

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    6:44 PM
    Okay yeah, I like that. As it stands in Direwolf20 once you've got all your yellow heart containers there's really no continued use for Aluminum. In AS/2 aluminum could at least be substituted for iron in a lot of recipes to give it more utility, and that makes it more appealing, you know?

    There are actually a lot of metals and alloys in Direwolf20 (the main non-AS pack I play on) with only one or two uses, I can dig those up and post them in this thread to help give you ideas for recipes for TF items to try and make these appealing outside of their limited scopes in their parent mods if that idea sounds interesting.

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