2nd Story Block Suggestions?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Auvreaeath, Apr 22, 2015.

  1. Auvreaeath

    Auvreaeath Active Member

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    Local Time:
    8:36 AM
    Greetings fellow players, I come to you all in hopes that I may have a response for my dire situation. You​
    see it was long ago that I last posted on this topic, regarding a house. Now I come again, not to display my somewhat mediocre ability to build but to ask for suggestions for an upper floor color for this current build of mine?

    I am actually thinking to remove the current blue colored stone and just restart with a new material but I am looking for a more Solid to Wood Transfer between levels.
    Currently in this picture you are looking at the backside of my home upon the Infinity Server. Through my marvelous ability with paint you can see I attempt to display my future plans. Once situated I plan to terraform the terrain (if it actually looks good in the end) and strip the mountain. Replacing the sides where the house is with a more stone edge and down the middle run a stream which falls into the river below.

    Any suggestions would be helpful. Thank you for your time. :)
    Kalilak and Zxirl like this.
  2. Tokoshoran

    Tokoshoran Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:36 AM
    Because you got a pink tree there for comparison sake, I can say that a darker pink may work well.
  3. Demonica6666

    Demonica6666 Well-Known Member

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    8:36 AM
    I would have the waterfall come down halfway, make a small pool, then waterfall from it. Not sure if infinity has the statue mod, but if it did, I would put a statue in the small pool in the center. Add grass blocks with a mix of gravel, cobble and dirt (chiseled if you can) and I would use sand to replace the dirt under the water. A little bit of vines here and there with some leaf blocks here and there as bushes. If I used and stone it would be marble and/or diorite.
    Auvreaeath likes this.

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