Done admin or mod on the server

Discussion in 'Agrarian Skies' started by psycomaffo, Nov 21, 2015.

  1. psycomaffo

    psycomaffo Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:49 AM
    I would report the total absence of admin or mod one the agrarian 1 server.
    is that a lot of time i play on the server, from 3 to 10 hours a day, day and night, and i've seen only once 1 admin and 1 mod.
    due to the continu lag, autosaving and backup, often happen something that should be adjusted and there is nobody there to do it.
  2. ElectricLemonade

    ElectricLemonade Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    7:49 PM
    I've been playing on AG quite often actually and I'll be there later today. Is there an issue with TPS that needs to be dealt with now? If so, I'll hop on.
  3. BetaPetey

    BetaPetey Administrator Booster

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    Local Time:
    7:49 PM
    Hello, psycomaffo as i see you are from Italy and a lot of our staff member are from different time zones so when some people are just waking up you are probably just going to bed. As im from the United States when it is early in my morning you are just starting to have dinner. We have a lot of staff members and since you are a different time zone than the ones that play on that server you may be missing them when they are online. We also have 36 staff members from the United States.
    Last edited: Nov 21, 2015
  4. psycomaffo

    psycomaffo Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    12:49 AM
    Beta, i've very strange hours in my life... i sleep 6/7 hours in 3 days. if i've nothing to do, i should be online at 4 pm or at 4 am.
    today it's tyhe first time i see 2 mod online at the same time... anyway, my thread was conseguence for losing my bag due the lag... but now it's ok
  5. Matryoshika

    Matryoshika Well-Known Member

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    12:49 AM
    No staff at MyM is forced to play a certain pack.
    If we want to play a certain pack, we do so, and then move to another that we like.
    Would you want to be part of a community that forced you to play on a specific server? Not many do, at all.

    The "Staff" tab at: Server Status - MineYourMind 5.0
    shows 2 staff members on AG-new right now. It will also tell how long since a staff-member was on if there is no-one on currently.

    If you are ever in dire need of a staff-member, you can always issue a /ticket ingame, hop on our teamspeak (issue /ts ingame to get ip and password) or, as you just did here, make a forum thread.
    Mijikai likes this.

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