I've tried countless times now to make satellites to get data for going to the next of the mod but on mym they don't work on single player they work fine with the exact same operation I'm doing but only on mym they just don't... says there has been like 24 more satellites so I'm unsure if they managed to get data or not but mine completely don't work
Modifications can be made for suitability in multiplayer as it gives multiple forms of progressed research in the pack as a backup [doublepost=1528878800,1528878146][/doublepost]Plus the pack requires space development as all end game revolves around it needing all the items for crafting recipes
I hopefully fixed the issue with satellites on continuum node 2. I am waiting to see how stable this fix is to move it to all other servers.
From the last time I played the planets are now rearchable but the planets themselves arnt the right ones alot of them just being the moon with none of the planet specific materials [doublepost=1529957321][/doublepost]Idk if this problem has been fixed or not I have not been on in abit