Allow the mod Dynamic Surroundings [1.7.10/Infinity]

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by GAsplund, Jun 27, 2016.

  1. GAsplund

    GAsplund Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    8:47 PM
    Hey all,

    So I've been looking for a mod to increase my overall Minecraft experience, and found this mod called Dynamic Surroundings.

    So basically, it does this:
    When I first saw this mod, I loved it so much that I installed it to my ftb client as fast as I could and tried to log onto the Infinity server, only to get kicked for the reason that it was not allowed and I would have to suggest on the forums if I wanted to use this mod, which is why I'm here.

    So why would I want this mod? Simply because it improves the Minecraft experience by adding ambience sounds and cool visual effects like different grades of rain or auroras in cold biomes.

    Link: (Includes screenshots and full description)
    Overview - Dynamic Surroundings - Mods - Projects - Minecraft CurseForge
    ben_mkiv likes this.
  2. mrminesheeps

    mrminesheeps Helper

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    Local Time:
    11:47 AM
    i personally think this would be a cool mod, and if it was allowed on Skyfactory 2.5... yeah i'd be changing alot of biomes =D

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