Any plans for the direwolf 1.12 pack?

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by Shardmaster, Feb 22, 2018.

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  1. Shardmaster

    Shardmaster Well-Known Member

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    9:15 PM
    Was wondering if there was any plans to bring the direworlf 1.12 pack to mym? It looks like a really good back
  2. ProperChilli

    ProperChilli Retired Staff

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    4:15 AM
    1.12 wont be happening at all until 1.10 is stable, which it might not be because of 1.12/1.7. 1.10 is barely stable itself so to bring another unstable version to MyM would put a tonne of work on our staff/the performance of other servers as they would need to be maintained more often.
  3. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    11:15 PM
    As of this moment, 1.12 packs would only exist as sponsored or patron only packs due to the lack of stability as twisty mentioned in addition to protections and various other plugins not yet being updated to 1.12.
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