I was looking through the thaumcraft configs too see if disabling special mobs was possible, post here: Open - A bug with the tablet in thaumcraft outerlands | MineYourMind Community and i saw under thaumic exploration, "enable thaumic frenchurgy: false" what is this, i couldn't find anything on the inter webs, anyone here tested it?
From the Thaumic Exploration GitHub Code: breadWand = config.get("Easter Eggs", "Enable Thaumic Frenchurgy", false).getBoolean(true); Code: if (this.breadWand) { WAND_ROD_BREAD = new WandRod("BREAD",39,new ItemStack(ThaumicExploration.breadCore),8,new WandRodBreadOnUpdate(), new ResourceLocation("thaumicexploration:textures/models/rodBread.png")); } Seems to just be another wand... made out of bread ö_Ö
ima enable it, if this words like the config option for the feascies in dartcraft (dont ask i will not explain) then the server should work with it as it is part of the standard mod, also is it made of french bread, with eggs?
I believe it is a pun based on the Flour War, part of French history. You may enable it, but on our server's where it is off, the research shouldn't be available, or if it does look like it is, it will likely crash you. You can play with it in singleplayer though. You cant get the item, as the item-id hasn't been registered for it, which means it doesn't exist, at least seen from the server's perspective
i see, i just tried it, on single, it is THE BEST THING, kind of crappy but makes you shoot food themed weapons with the foci, e.g. butter with the fire foci so fun