Done Are 6/6/6+ seeds really "end-game"?

Discussion in 'The Ferret Business' started by kamild_, May 8, 2016.


Should 6/6/6+ seeds be considered "end-game"?

  1. Yep

  2. Nope

  1. kamild_

    kamild_ Well-Known Member

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    7:50 AM
    According to the market restriction thread:
    Are these seeds really end-game? All you need to make a 10/10/10 seed is a few pieces of wood, watering can, some fertile ground and of course seeds of interest. It takes from 5 to 10 minutes (depending on how laggy the server is at the time) to grow one. I don't think these should be considered end-game and therefore they should be allowed to be traded within the market.
  2. tyler489

    tyler489 Well-Known Member

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    Skyblock servers say 1/1/1 now anythibg requiring crossbreede
  3. kamild_

    kamild_ Well-Known Member

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    But this is Ferret Business, not Skyblock :/
  4. SirStudMuffin

    SirStudMuffin Well-Known Member

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    look its set to that because otherwise you could get a high amount of materials early on, they are extrememly overpoowered also no matter how easy it is it will most likelyt dtay at 5/5/5 because of this
  5. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    • And end game item isn't always defined by the materials it takes to make it.
    • When people hear end game they assume that its the stuff you get after playing a pack for so long.. it doesn't mean time either.
    Its how game-breaking it is for you and whether or not it is an unfair advantage that takes away from what the packs are really about. If you want seeds, you have to grow and level them. People who know how it feels to work hard waiting for those crops to mutate into a higher seed only to analyze it and see it hasn't leveled up, know how difficult a little recipe with wood, watering can, fertile ground, and a seed can be.

    Why should their hard work be squandered over someone who wont take the time to utilize the process for themselves?

    Most can be said for other items that aren't costly by material standards, or overpoweringly time rewarding. Plant the seed.. take the time to understand agricraft, or magical crops. Really respect what the modpack authors are trying to tell you with the mods that are thrown together. Otherwise.. dig a hole.. and farm.
  6. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    Levelling the seeds usually isnt the issue at all. Getting them from 1-1-1 to 5-5-5 takes less than 5 minutes if you have some bonemeal/fertilizer, a bit more if not or when you can use the snake-method like on regrowth.

    The harder part is getting to the seeds. I think setting "higher than 5-5-5" as endgame does not even achieve what it wants to achieve. 1-1-1 seeds that are hard to get should be on the endgame list.
    kamild_ likes this.
  7. kamild_

    kamild_ Well-Known Member

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    But here's the problem - there's no hard work involved really. On other modpacks (especially on Skyblock) I can imagine it's way harder to level up such seed, but on Ferret Business it's just not the case, the process is both simple and quick.
    However, I agree about 10/10/10 seeds being OP (especially when an entire farm is using them). But even though they're powerful, they are also easy to get...

    I also agree with @Sandstroem that we should restrict specific seeds instead.
  8. Sandstroem

    Sandstroem Well-Known Member

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    It all depends on whether you have bonemeal or fertilizer or a watering can. Also the clipper helps a lot. After some packs with Agricraft where I improved my seed levelling method more and more, I am now at the point where it takes me probably 5 minutes to get a seed up to 10-10-10. (Haven't actually measured it)

    On the other hand, defining specific seeds for the endgame list, makes the creation of those lists much more complicated and detailed.

    I am not a big fan of those lists anyway, since most of the time they do not hinder people to skip progression. Declaring 5-5-5 seeds as endgame just feels ridiculous, if I remember how many people bought their bucket (which is not considered endgame) on Infinity skyblock in the first days. While you can level that seed in 5 minutes, it still takes some hours to get to that bucket, if you play alone. Of course some pros get there faster. (And i even read of a method today where you can skip the whole cokeoven to get the bucket, but I have to try that and thats offtopic anyway)
  9. LucidTheStick

    LucidTheStick Well-Known Member

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    We take a path that is easy for us to manage. If we are start getting in to these seeds on this server vs these seeds on another server, it becomes too hard for players to understand and too hard for staff to enforce.
    LunaBlossoms and Sandstroem like this.
  10. johnfg10

    johnfg10 Well-Known Member

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    also infinite resource = end game and seeds make infinite resources :p
  11. MrsFaithfyre

    MrsFaithfyre Well-Known Member

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    You guys totally missed the point. How difficult leveling a seed is and choosing that reason to decide whether its end game or not is not fair considering some end game items are even easier than seeds.

    This is so true as I've witnessed personally on many servers where leveling seeds is possible. When you see how diverse the packs are and their intent (read above what I said before), then you understand that if we police each server on what's easy and not easy it becomes chaotic. Consistency is why its end game.
    BookerTheGeek and LunaBlossoms like this.

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