So as may or may not known, you cannot complete the "Programming the farm quest". Because it doesn't accepts the circuit you make. But i've tested this in creative, you can hand in the creatively added ones. (These ones have no creative capabalities, they are the same). So I would like to ask you to make some trading signs at spawn, so you can exchange those to the ones you can hand in.
Are you saying this also doesn't work in single player if you craft them, only if you spawn them in creative?
Please contact the mod pack author (JadedCat) as this appears to be an issue within the modpack if it doesn't work in Single Player.
Its a known bug, but she wont fix it until she fixes other stuff too. But we can work around that with a solution of trading signs at spaw. Trade the wrong circuit for the good circuit.
Normally we stick to the modpack author's configurations unless they somehow aren't working on the server but work fine on single player. I'd welcome other staff's opinions on this though. @Administrator
The latest update is "out", but we're waiting for jaded to fix the current release, as it has a couple of major issues. She should have a server hotfix released sometime soon (in the next day or 3 or 4).