Not Possible B-Team Claiming on mars

Discussion in 'Archive (Suggestion and Feedback)' started by met1003, Jan 25, 2016.

  1. met1003

    met1003 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    12:57 PM
    Recently me and my friends went up to mars and built a great base there. But when we tried to claim it it said we had no permission to claim there. If mars is a reseting world I think it should not be. Because of the following reasons.

    1. Getting to mars let alone building a base there is a really hard task. Sure it wasn't that hard for me to make it because I have a lot of resources but for most of the people that start out Galacticraft it is really hard and frustrating especially when some glitches like project red pipes deleting items requested. I had to make two rockets because of that and after all that I was on mars and built my base with my friends. If it gets deleted all that work would have gone to waste.

    2.There are hardly any people on mars. I travelled from world border to world border on mars and only found 2-3 bases (including mine) so the resources there will be available for almost anyone. There are still unexplored mars dungeons unlike the moon which has countless bases and all the dungeons are raided.

    3.When they get to mars most people will build a base and machines like terra former and oxygen sealer and lots more stuff. Setting those up on earth is easy but at mars with limited power its hard and once you get that done it feels like you have accomplished something and if those builds gets deleted than again all the work will be for nothing.

    4.Last of all the people who has gone to mars deserves to be there so if their bases are removed than that tells them that hard work does not pay off. Thats a really bad message to be given to the average age group that plays on these servers

    I believe you will take what I suggested into consideration and do actions thats good for everyone thank you for your time.

  2. Slind

    Slind Founder

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    6:57 PM
    Sorry but the system doesn't allow it. While we could allow the creation, the claims would not load with a server restart. Due to it being an old server we also won't look into fixing it anymore. Our focus is on 1.7.10 and soon 1.8
    julio1237878 likes this.

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