I've been playing on the Agrarian Skies 2 server for a while now, but I just recently got myself a nice jetpack so I can explore the Nether in a more safe manner. While there, I noticed that the tainted soil and heat sand was not going into my Digger’s Backpack like it really should. All the other Nether ores went into my Miner’s Backpack like they should, but those two items are apparently not assigned a backpack. I was wondering if we could get those items assigned to a bag in Agrarian Skies 2, and possibly any other pack that uses Natura. Ash Cloud and Sulfur Cloud could use a bag assignment as well. Also Glowstone blocks. Anybody else got ideas for blocks and bag assignments?
Would you mind about creating the list with the ore dict names? If they don't have one, it is not possible.
Ok, taking a look at the config files (at least the non-server files), it looks like items can be added to the forestry bags in one of two ways. A) by ore dictionary name or B) by stack and mod id The reason for this is that not all items are oredicted. For instance soul sand is listed under the stack area of the config as - minecraft:soul_sand:0 Soul Sand is actually a good example here, because there are colored versions of it in the ore dictionary, but it is only listed in the stack area of the digger’s pack, so the colored soul sand doesn’t go in. With that in mind here’s the items that would go under the Stacks area: Natura:heat_sand:0 Natura:cloud:0 Natura:dark_cloud:1 Natura:ash_cloud:2 Natura:sulfur_cloud:3 Items that would go under the ore dictionary area: taintedSoil glowstone soulSand These are only the ones that come to mind at the moment from recent experience. There may be other items that should go into the backpacks that aren’t listed yet.
I totally missed the material name part of the config :/ I added the ones your listed to the diggers backpack, it should take effect with the next server restart.