I and Alex_Ueg were banned for a grief we've made around October 20th. We've been banned because we griefed two bases. We gave back most of the items so we have been unbanned after 10 days. It seems the people from the 2nd base reported us too(Lucrenscion and darkfairi06), as the guys from the first base have done before resulting of a 2nd undetermined length ban. Kaymax has been searching Lucrension's items in our base, maybe we can help him to find his items. We say it again, we are truly sorry for what we've done. We won't do it again and we want to be forgiven for it. Could you please, unban us? Thanks for reading, We are both available on discord/this forum to speak FlyiingSheep and Alex_Ueg
Hello there, I am locking this thread and marking it as done. Please make a proper appeal found at the link here. Both you and Alex will have to make separate appeals and wait for an Admin or Manager to take a look at it. The appeal will not be discussed outside of the section of the forum I linked you. Have a great day.