Done Blood Magic Not Enabled?

Discussion in 'Horizons' started by will1275, Feb 14, 2014.

  1. will1275

    will1275 New Member

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    9:00 AM
    Hi im new and I don't mean to be rude at all im just wondering wether blood magic was disabled for a spefic reason or smothing if not please could you enable it? ty -will1275
  2. torchickspeed

    torchickspeed New Member

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    12:00 AM
    Don't hold me to this as Im not part of the mod crew. But what ive heard from the general Chattering s on the game, Its disabled for the fact of Gore.
    MYM servers obviously like to attract all kinds of crowds so this makes sense to me, I may be wrong here this is just what i heard.
  3. Slind

    Slind Founder

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    Bloodmagic is disabled by default from FTB because of multiple bugs. We don´t like to create extra steps the user has to do to join. As everyone would need to add the bloodmagic mod in his client. It is not complicated but I don´t see the need for a buggy mod. We we have the mod enabled on monster and fixed some issues with its cpu leak but still banned a big part of the content. It is enabled on monster because it was requested and we already enabled other mods, which are disabled by default, so adding it wasn´t a big issue. But I don´t like to make everything more complicated for the players, for only one mod which is bugged and bad at performance.
  4. will1275

    will1275 New Member

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    Local Time:
    9:00 AM
    okay thanks for saying I was just curios! thanks sooo much! :25-48:

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