Using bone meal with growthcraft enabled spams a lot of everything that is not Botania mystical flowers... it took me 4 stacks of bones (Turned into bone meal) just to get 1 white flower and 4 chests of seeds and saplings. A quick start kit that gives some dayblooms nightshades spreader and mana pool would be great. A Qstart kit that just gives 8 of each flower would be nice too. Or a simple easier option would be to make a shop at spawn that sells 2 white flowers. Or add the white mystical flowers to the random items redeemed with tokens. (maybe all the flowers) (Speaking of random items how random IS that, there seems to only be 15 different items you can get.) OR add botania flower pack (4 of each mystical flower) to the "good" reward bags as a zomg reward? Thanks for reading! If botania is supposed to take forever and annoy the crap out of you feel free to just close the thread.
Thats the whole point when using botania, you need to use the magical fertilizer from the mod to get the botania flowers
Those are not in the older versions. (1.6.4) you have to use Botania. The Functional flower that makes Mystical flowers is there but getting it is a pain... There is no horn of the wild either. There are 5 (yes only 5) generating flowers and 8 Functional flowers ( it might be 9...)