I was looking at the site, from a link I was given on the rank times, (mym.li/titles) and it says that Professor is only 187 hours. I have 191 hours in game time, yet I'm still only necromancer. My friend has 140 hours, which is chief engineer, however he's necromancer. Is it broken, or is there just a secret formula for ranks I don't understand? Also, I noticed how some people have golden ranks, and some have gray. What are the purpose for this?
Okay so, gray ranks means normal, a normal everyday player, a golden rank means it's a donator, someone who has bought a Rank at the shop, On the website, a golden outline in the avatar means it's someone who bought the patron rank at patron. And if you do /shop you can click titles and there you can select which rank you want, sometimes it doesn't automatically update your rank. Hope I explained everything, have a good day!