Hello MyM Community! Recently we had a suggestion to reset the Bteam server and make it fresh. As some of you may know that request has been granted! However rather than having staff or community builders build the spawn we are offering a contest! The event will last 12 days. The contest will go a little like this: Players will be given their own dimension to build in for their dream spawn! You will be given creative so let those ideas fly! Dimension size will be 250x250 Players will be given 12 days to build their spawn! Members of the staff team will be the judges for this contest. Make sure to impress them! Now like most things there does have to be a few rules sadly. The rules are relatively simple: Teams are allowed. Invite your friends to help! Limited microblocks and carpenters blocks. You can use them but don't overuse Try to keep the spawn small and not massive. If you wish to compete let us know in the comments below! If you have a team list all ingame names for the members. Requirements for the spawn: Mark spawn point with bedrock block Area for signs and recipes. Area for NPCs Small hidden, underground room for admin stuff (preferably beneath the spawn point so we can remember where it is) As for prizes. The player or team that wins will be featured on our social media for the new spawn, your spawn gets put onto the main server, and 1000 credits! Event will start on August 31st. I hope to see many of you there and wish everyone the best of luck!
Exciting to see what people come up with , but still a bit sad, that spawn must be atleast 5 years old? probably more
Im In! I am a new member but I do wanna be active on all the servers more so this will give me achance to get to know everyone! )
Only if i played b-Team... How thy can build spawn without spirit if the pack nor the knowledge of its mods? I will wait for another event.