I was trying to join Direwolf 2 1.10 when it just said "logging in" over and over and over, if someone can help me please do.
Now its changed to "A fatal error has occurred, this connection is terminating" [doublepost=1499814886][/doublepost]I am now on the server, but I can get on the real server that I want to be on. assuming its offline. [doublepost=1499815438,1499814417][/doublepost]I am in the lobby chilling out and talking with ItzPandaGamer, we are both very confused as of what is going on. I think the servers are just down. and he thinks they are being worked on, so we are very confused and 7CrazyZPig7 and gules4 have just joined the lobby. if a moderator or someone can come on or talk here and tell me or us what is going on, it would be much appreaciated. [doublepost=1499816427][/doublepost]So I left the lobby to see if I can join from the ip, and now I cant get back on. It is just loading and loading again.
i cant join the direwolf 20(2) server i could join but i cant now Internal Exception: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: The name rftoolsdim:feature_absorber has been registered twice, for Block{null} and Blcok{rftoolsdim:feature_absorber]. plz help