Done Can't build a rocket

Discussion in 'BevosTechPack' started by Netjerenbau, Sep 18, 2016.

  1. Netjerenbau

    Netjerenbau Active Member

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    Local Time:
    5:40 PM
    I have a Nasa Workbench and all of the parts needed to build a Tier 1 rocket but when I put the parts in the Nasa bench nothing happens and the rocket is not created. If I leave the workbench the parts drop at my feet.
    Am I doing something wrong? What I'm doing worked on the last server I was on.

    I've tried doing this both inside and outside of my claimed area so I know it's not that.

    Edit: I can't build one on single player either.

    Solved: For anyone else there are 2 recipes, the GalaxySpace one works.
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2016

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