Hey from time to time i have this really weird bug, i tried to connect to the server (mostly Node 3 Normal), and here is what i got on the server list : http://puu.sh/oa0rF/9265baa596.jpg I obviously try to relaunch the Launcher (as an administrator) and tried to restart my computer, but it's not working. I have also checked if the server are online, and they are (anyway i would doubt they would be down for 20-30mn all of them) So when i tried to connect, here is the error message (after a while) : http://puu.sh/oa0yB/56e7484a80.png For some reason it's in french, but here is the translation : Internal Exception :Java.io.IOException: An existing connexion must have been shut by the distant host (or i found this, so the translation might be this ) : Internal Exception: java.io.IOException: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host. Last time, i had this issue for more than 2 weeks, and kind of give up on my claim, but i would rather not this time^^ Thanks for your help
Seems it has something to do with them. Others with orange have had the issue before and we haven't been able to come up with any solution to fix it as of now afaik. -V
How is ur internet I mean connection speed ect. Plus have u though about changing provider if this is an issue or maybe calling them in person ?
As i said, everything was working fine until i came back home, otherwise, it's not good connection, but decent (20mb/s) and not really, especially since i thought the issue was gone
guessing your in france? dont worrie it should be fine in a day or so not sure what causes it but ik of many ppl that have had this problem
I pulled this from a forum Spoiler . Ok ! I found what was the problem ! The Minecraft client application detect if the server you try to connect is inside the private network you are in. If so, it doesn't let you try to join in from an external (internet) IP and display: "Can't reach server" from that external IP, but work on or LocalHost. Little trick i used to see if the server is ok from the outside, is that I downloaded an application on my cellphone called: "Minecraft server info" and then try to reach my server. Since my cellphone is not inside my network (on 3g or such) then it reached the info and told me it was ok. Hope I can help others with that problem. Good luck ! Spoiler: another one Minecraft/comments/432m1f/fix_for_internal_exception_javaioioexception_an Spoiler "internal exception: java.io.ioexception: an existing connection was forcibly closed by remote host" | Hypixel - Minecraft Server and Maps I hope u find the answer to your issue
dont think they cover the issue its something to do with france and orange normaly resolves its self in a day or so i would contact orange and see what they can do for u maybe staff could set absence for u just to be safe
Yeah idk this is dumb, i tried restarting box, not working I was looking for some port that were blocked, but even after opening one of them (TCP/UDP), the port was still shown with no answer so whatever
its not u its orange being stupid ive seen many ppl with this issue and they have all been in france with orange as there isp im guessing its maintence of some kind but i really dont know
I installed TCPview to try to get which port is blocking or so, and while i was making my test and try to get online on the server to see what is going wrong, everything is perfectly fine now -_- For real xD Well, sorry for the trouble i guess i will wait the next issue to see if i can find something and thanks for your help
Just a quick update about it, i think i kind of solved the issue, since it's gone by now ( i have small freeze from time to time, but no longer crash nor the impossibility to connect to the game) The Firewall of the box is actually messing up with the current server set up (i don't know why tho), so what i've done is I actually disable the firewall (and open every single port of it xD) The box need a restart to take this in consideration Warning : This is not safe, and i did this because i have other protection and only able specific port on other firewall. So people should know what they are doing at least a bit (By the way, the ISP was completely useless to call, they nicely tell me to call another Engineer who will know what he is doing )
Yeah sure i will keep you updated if it's still fine by may (probably) should be a good delay, i can give you some picture or stuff, if you need to as materials if it's a working solution