Block Ids 3501 - 3511 should be able to be mined. These are the broken versions of things like the smeltery, high oven, turbines, and reactors. In the previous version of the cities on cl2, instead of rock digger parts, it was just standard parts. Being able to mine these blocks will actually make the repair recipes for those block useful.
I can attest to this as well. After looking for a reactor building for over 2 hours I found one. But the controllers for reactor and turbine are both rock digger blocks and can not be broken, so nobody can build reactors until this is fixed. There is only one high oven and smeltery block that can be mined which is about 5% of the blocks in the city that should be mine-able as smeltery or high oven.
Because you guys are allowing us to break dust to get inside buildings now, there are a few dust hills that are generated structures that will have some dust ore blocks within them. Would it be possible to get those to be breakable as well. Additionally, Blackstone Gravel, 3134:8 block ID, can you make those breakable as well? They will sometimes be on top of chest for example and they are a gravity block so they can be in the way overall.
Reactor controller 3507:0 and turbine controller 3508:0 are still not breakable so neither is able to be crafted still. I consider these more important than the blackstone gravel as nobody can build a reactor.
I went into creative to get you blockIDs, I hope this will be majority of them. Crumbling Seared Bricks: 3501:0 3502:0 3503:0 Crumbling Scorched Bricks: 3504:0 3505:0 3506:0 Broken Reactor Controller: 3507:0 Broken Turbine Control: 3508:0 Pressure Chamber Wall Corroded: 3509:0 Turbine housing Rusted: 3510:0 Reactor Casing Rusted: 3511:0 I think this is all of them that are very important, if I think up of anything else I'll try to post about it. --------------------------------------------------- Edit: There are some blocks that need to be able to be broken for graveyards, I will research that when I have time to make it fair for the server and for the players. --------------------------------------------------- Edit2: For Graveyards, I highly suggest allowing one block, and two other blocks are optional for the ability to break. I will explain in detail of course. Limestone Slab: (Chisel mod block) 2764:11 On the surface, graveyards have... well graves! What's in them? Spawners or chests. Graveyards, below and on the surface are highly dangerous because of spawners. In order to get into the dungeon of the graveyard you need break following block: Limestone: (Chisel mod block) 2762:10 However, there is a problem, once you remove those two blocks, you hop down and you will need to break another type of block to continue and that block is 95% of the blocks in the dungeon. This block is: Stonebricks: (Chisel mod block) 2799:7 I highly recommend, just allowing us to break just the Limestone Slab 2764:11 as majority of the chests are on top. The rest of the chests are in dungeon walls and floors which to get to you need to break Stonebricks 2799:7. For now, I don't recommend this because we cannot place torches or destroy spawners, these dungeons are considered suicide. --------------------------------------------------- Edit3: Hidden chests in city buildings, suggesting some blocks to be allowed to be breakable. I will explain where these blocks are generally used in other locations if I am able. These are not highly needed to be allowed to be broken but it would be nice to get able to get the loot from the chests they hide. Futuristic Armor Plating Block: (Chisel mod Block) 2838:15 This block will cover some chests as it acts like a counter in some of the buildings. The general use of this block is scarce, mainly used for counters or for random walls. There isn't too much of it from my knowledge. Factory Block: (Chisel mod Block) 2843:12 This block will be a mini wall-like structure commonly used in the mansion lower levels. Under these will be a chest sometimes. General use of this block in other locations is the tinker's craft building smoke pipes, some signs and other small details. Future Block 7: (Rock Digger mod block) 3526:0 Future Block 12: (Rock Digger mod block) 3531:0 Future Block 13: (Rock Digger mod block) 3531:0 These three blocks mainly will only be found in a Industrial city in a specific building which I like to refer to as a warehouse. These blocks will be piled up to cover either a spawner or a chest. There are other types used within warehouses however I have yet to see any of them really block a path to a chest or spawner so I left them out.
Thanks so much, its much nicer having the city be useful again And thanks for taking the time to lay it all out Doc!