Chisels and Bits Gallery Thread!

Discussion in 'Community Talk' started by BobOfTibia, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. BobOfTibia

    BobOfTibia Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    3:07 AM
    For those of you with access to the mod.

    (Specially the ones who play SF3)

    Post your work here!

    Super interested in seeing your creations as I just got into the mod myself and already have made some things, such as armor and gates for my cemetery.

    (I'll post my own work when I get home)
  2. BobOfTibia

    BobOfTibia Patron Tier 3

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    Local Time:
    3:07 AM
    My gates to my cemetery.

    And my armor. Sadly it doesn't glow in the dark like the materials.

    Looks better in the light too, very noticeable on the changing effects, nearly flat colored at night or in the dark. Still working on a cape and robe.

    Attached Files:

    cbrozak likes this.

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