I know there're a lot of labels, billboards and pop-up messages in the server, but since Civilization is a PvP-ish server... can we make a Little sign on spawn advising player to be prepared to defend themselves once they leave spawn?. And on the same topic, maybe add a bow and arrow to the starter kit so they can defend themselves from long range attacks. Right now the server is safe... sort of... but I know this will change with time and new player should have at least the proper tools to stay alive for a night.
this sounds like a good idea, and also signs pointing to the markets, even if not the most helpful, a bit more decoration around spawn would be cool
I think it'd be easier just to remind players that play now not to do that type of stuff. I believe Kryhmez MAY(that means maybe) add random tp's, but he may just also not add it.
Last time i heard Khrymez about RT in the overworld was a deffo NO because of possible abuse to find players and bases
I added Four warps, North,East,South,West. The signs are at spawn. In the tent with the Gray, yellow and white roof. As for a reminder, ALL players must type /rules 1 when they join the server. Have you read it?