Info Civilization

Discussion in 'Server Info' started by BookerTheGeek, Jan 25, 2016.

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  1. BookerTheGeek

    BookerTheGeek Patron Tier 3

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    9:54 PM

    Rules For Civilization PVP Modpack
    These are ONLY in effect for this modpack

    These are the only rules that will apply to Civilization,
    Those posted at do not apply

    Ignorance is no excuse! Do not try to game the rules!
    The rules may change without notice and consent at any time!

    § PVP

    • No Spawn camping
      • This means no killing a player over and over at their spawn point
      • While not against the rules, please refrain from killing new players right outside of spawn
    • Not Your grave:
      • Grave robbing is only allowed inside of your claim and the wilderness.
      • This applies to ANY Grave, even if it not yours.
      • You may NOT break graves in Spawn unless they are your own.
      • Graves in Spawn should not be an issue as their should be no PVP in spawn.
    • Your Grave:
      • Retrievable anywhere, even in other people's claims.
      • You are not allowed to bypass protections to get your grave.
      • Somebody else retrieving your grave before you do is allowed.
    • Treat others as you want to be treated
    • PvP is allowed everywhere other than Spawn Town.
    • Civilization has PvP forced on, but not the focus of the pack
      • PVP is not able to be turned off, even inside of your own claim

    Things that need spelling out for special consideration

    • Teleporting Players against their will is not allowed and considered a Claim bypass and will result in a minimum 2 week ban from all of MyM
      • This does not apply to a ritual from Blood Magic as long as the master ritual stone is inside your main base.
    • Excessive use of taglocks to troll other players will not be tolerated.
      • Taglocks may only be taken in the wilderness or YOUR claim
      • Excessive use will be defined at a latter date.
    • As of this moment VooDoo poppets are allowed. This is under consideration to NOT be allowed. Abuse of voodoo poppets will quicken this decision.

    The following are the basic rules common to all of MyM and still apply on Civilization

    § Playing together

    • Insults as well as racism will not be tolerated.
    • Try to remain friendly when talking to others.
    • Staff (and their opinions) are to be respected.
    • Scamming and artificial inflation is frowned upon.

    § Chat

    • Only english is allowed in the public chat
    • Spaming in any kind of way is prohibited.
    • Trading over a public channel is to be kept at a minimum.
    • Advertising, no matter what, is not allowed.
    • Requests towards Staff have to be submitted via /ticket or a private message.
    • Bugs and griefing (or similar events) do not belong in the chat, use /ticket instead.

    § Anti-grief

    • We don’t argue with griefers (grieferists)
    • Unintentional griefing is to reported via /ticket immediately
    • Negative behaviour (Griefing, Theft...) will not be tolerated
      • PVP is not negative behavior
    • No Raiding! If it's not yours dont destroy it
      • Constructions, chests, animals are covered
      • Graves are covered in the above section
    • Items which obviously belong to another player may not be destroyed or moved without permission.
    • Usage of levers, buttons, beds (etc.) you don’t own isn´t permitted.

    § Anti-lag

    • Do not pump lava straight from the nether, Use a sirwilli tank instead. (Ender Tank)
    • Do not overstate, this is a multiplayer environment and not singleplayer where no one else is affacted by your doings.
      • Avoid complex redstone systems
      • Avoid Loops in any kind of way (example: electric cable, conduits, pipes...)
      • Hint: You can color the cables to prevent them from connecting
      • Avoid high number of items lying on the ground (caused by open Pipes etc.)
    • If you cost the server too many resources (CPU) we will not hesitate to undo your work.

    § Environment | World

    • Builds resembeling racial or sexual induendos will result in a Ban
    • If you decimate a forest for wood, please replant

    § Economy

    • Refrain from overly high/low prices
    • Selling and sharing of endgame items is prohibited.
      • Endgame list forthcomming
      • ANYTHING requiring breeding. This includes Bees or Seeds

    § Client-Modification and Cheating

    • Mods, Texture Packs or similar that would give you an advantage are strictly forbidden.
      • X-Ray and Fly-Mods/Hacks mods/clients
      • Bypassing server functions and restrictions, for example avoiding AFK-kick with an anti-AFK machine will not be tolerated.

    § Server

    • You will not get lost items back. When they’re gone, they`re gone.
    • Having multiple accounts as well as transferring money to new players for no real reason is not permitted.
    • Abuseing bugs or exploits will be prosecuted.

    § Inactivity

    • Claims might disappear after two weeks of inactivity and the ontime ranks after 4 weeks

    Any and all questions regarding these rules,
    or requests for modifications to them
    need to be posted

    Last edited: Jan 29, 2016
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