Done Claim issue after abandoning claim

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by Docpo, Jun 4, 2015.

  1. Docpo

    Docpo Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    9:32 PM
    While undo'ing a large claim an autogenerated claim based on a chest location occured. I do not have access to this claim and I highly doubt it is a real person because I've had my claim in this area for quite some time. I temporarily reclaimed my base in a ackward fashion due to this 9x9 area being in the middle of my area.

    Could I get an admin to undo this claim please :)

    Message: "That block has been claimed by someone."
    Server: Infinity 5
    x: -204
    z: -384
    y: 64
  2. Ash00182

    Ash00182 Well-Known Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    2:32 AM
    Claim was created by [BuildCraft]. Has been removed. Marking as done. Have a nice day :)
    Docpo likes this.

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