Hello! Going to just go straight to the point(can't open a ticket because the server keeps on crashing on me). My whole claim has been erased even though I logged in at around 7:30 AM GMT+1 yesterday(on 17th February 2017) and have been logging in way within the 14 days period a couple of times. Due to that random bug or whatever this is me and my play buddy lost EVERYTHING yet again - someone came and picked up the whole ME system(which btw not that long ago we already lost one time due to random rollback of the server as we were transporting it,so we had to farm everything all over again already since it was never solved and the thread is still lingering on this section of the forum),all the setup of bees,all botania stuff,the whole power supply - everything that's of any value is just gone. Since we had a sign at ME system for the admins saying "ME that needs fixing" the person was so "kind" after stealing everything to place a new sign saying "all fixed". Penny for your thoughts - what are we suppose to do now? Farm our behinds off yet again to replace thousands upon thousands of stuff that took us around a month to replace from the first ME we owned going to crisp... For the second time? *annoyed Ellisae*
I was the claim owner and I made sure to log in regularly. As I said,I logged in one morning and the claim was fine.. Then 1 day after it was gone along with all our valuables. The claim never went "unprotected" for more then a couple of days,certainly not the 14 days it supposedly requires for the ownership to be removed. It got erased unjustly.
Just teleported to your last location and your claim and base is still there. If inactivity would have done anything then your claim would have been removed an all your chunks would have been regenerated.
It appears that you abandoned your claim on 2/18/17 at 22:46 and 22:47 server time, so this is when the claim had been released allowing people to walk off with your items. We will continue to investigate your missing items, but it appears the claim issue was from you releasing the claim.
Ok I explain why the claim is there again. The claim was almost 22k claimblocks big. I logged in and the claim was not there anymore along with all our stuff. I tried re-claiming the area and it wouldn't allow me,saying it would overlap a claim I already have. Which was very odd,so I went and looked and... The whole claim shrank to just 100 claimblocks that was located in just my room(the area I have teleport home set to). In panic cause I didn't want to lose everything else that was left - meaning the house and the backyard of the house,I abandoned that small 100 claimblocks big claim and made the big one od 22k over the whole area again. I did that at exactly that time it displays for you. So that abandoned claim time is not for the same sized claim and not for the correct time the theft happened. Would be hard to steal everything we had in just 1m. In that case perhaps you should considered someone was hacking,because I definitely logged in before the claim could've removed itself and the chunk reset,cause the whole base besides the digging holes where they stole things.. Is still standing.
Unfortunately our plugin which tracks griefers didn't work at the time of the grief so we can't check who did grief your base. Because of this large grief I made a rollback of your base.