Done Claims close together

Discussion in 'Infinity' started by DeHaynes2, Jan 12, 2017.

  1. DeHaynes2

    DeHaynes2 New Member

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    Local Time:
    10:28 PM
    Is it possible to have two or more claims next to each other. My wife, myself and a friend are all playing on my claim but we want to expand. When my wife tries to put a claim next to mine she says it is telling her she cannot put a claim so close to an existing claim.
  2. littlejdude

    littlejdude Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    8:28 PM
    There should be a command, /SellClaimBlocks, that converts claim blocks into MyM's.
    You can give the MyM's to other people, /money send [Name] [Ammount] that sends the MyM's to someone else.
    Using /BuyClaimBlocks, or navigating around /shop for a while, you can convert the MyM's into claim blocks.

    You can use these commands to have the people on your claim to give you more claim blocks, to expand.

    You can also gain more ClaimBlocks by donating to the server, or with /vote
    If you do /vote link, and vote at all the links, it gives you tokens (You may need to do /vote forceupdate, for them to register)
    In /shop, you can convert tokens into ClaimBlocks (Click the emerald in /shop to change the currency from Credits to Tokens)
    You can convert the tokens into ClaimBlocks from in there.

    Hope I was helpful!
  3. SirWill

    SirWill Founder

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    Local Time:
    4:28 AM
    Either combine the claimblocks or show the chunk grid and don't create two claims in the same chunk.
  4. DeHaynes2

    DeHaynes2 New Member

    Likes Received:
    Local Time:
    10:28 PM
    Thanks. I will try those tonight when I get home.

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