I have to ask before I start, since you can claim land on the moon and mars, when those worlds reset, is it like claims are cut out then dumped onto the new world, or are they reset too and it's a bug that you can even claim there? I need to know before I make a space base, since the worlds are resetting somewhat soon.
when they reset they reset, everything on there will be gone. @SirWilli is it intended that you can claim there =
@Doctorfoxwolf iso n the moon/mars any important resource which would stop the progress with galactiacraft?
Yes, in order to get to mars, you need to make a tier 2 rocket, but in order to be able to, you need to find a tier 2 rocket schematic in a treasure chest from a moon dungeon, but you can only put the blueprint in one nasa workbench and will be consumed. So it's like one per person or group. It's and the same for mars' tier 3 rocket schematic but until galacticraft updates with a new planet is just an item. If Galacticraft follows this pattern, then you have to go to each world like steps. This means that it would have to be reset, or it would run out. But making it so that you shouldn't make a base in space would take a huge chunk out of the mod, so there would be butthurt fans everywhere, so that's why I suggested to cut out claims and put them in the new world if possible and wouldn't cost the server. I hope I haven't complicated things too much.