Done Clarifications Needed

Discussion in 'Other' started by Zippity_Doodah, Jul 8, 2018.

  1. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    11:26 AM
    Once upon a time, before the EULA changes with Minecraft, in the MyM prior Tier system, the Kits had specific rules stating that any items gained from those Kits were not allowed to be shared, given away, sold, etc with other members... With the Kit changes, many members I've spoken to are now under the impression that any items from any Kits (old or new) are allowed to be freely shared, sold, given away, etc to any other players, regardless of server... Obviously the Rules Section, linked from the Mine Your Mind webpage does not address anything about Kit items, and only references End Game items (Another issue I'll get to)… I even had several members, today, state that ANYTHING can be traded in private (which is yet another loop hole to circumvent the rules as currently stated)...

    What are the exact, and detailed, rules with regards to Kit's and Kit items, regardless if old Kits or new Kits? Also, for servers where apparently Kits can be duplicated (such as Divine Journey, based off what I've heard other players saying) what are the rules regarding that?

    As to the End Game Items issue... Each server is supposed to have a End Game Items list based on Mod Pack here in the forums, and yet there are lists missing for some servers, which then is interpreted by many other members as there are no End Game items for those servers, so it's free reign to give away, share, trade, sell, etc anything freely, from any stage of the mod pack... I know that typically that is not supposed to be true, someone just never got around to generating the End Game items list for that server... Why do these lists not exist prior to a server being made publicly available with no priority given to making that happen ASAP? The excuse I usually hear from staff members in TS is that either someone dropped the ball or it's a work in progress... Meanwhile folks are placing items in the Market (for servers that have that option) or they are sharing the items (that should probably be on the End Game items list) amongst other members either privately or publicly...

    I really feel that our current Rules page is very minimalistic and allows for a lot of loop holes... That or you have various rules being enforced by some staff, not enforced by others, and sometimes long standing rules not posted somewhere more accessible, are being either enforced or turned a blind eye to... If you give members/players an inch, some will take a mile and proclaim that if it isn't specifically detailed in the rules (on the Rules Page), then they can do pretty much whatever they want, regardless of the consequences or results...

    I'm a very firm believer in following the rules, especially the spirit of the rules... But I'm one of only a small handful of players that look upon the spirit of the rules and find it frustrating when folks skate the rules, because the rules do not specifically state what should be obvious...

    Anyhoooo… I just feel some of the rules regarding the things I mentioned above, either need clarification, if not need specific inclusion in the Rules page, otherwise many players will take advantage of the system put in place, in ways not intended or desired by the folks running the servers and community in general...
    pizzaluc and ContinuedAsh like this.
  2. wyndman

    wyndman Well-Known Member

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    2:26 PM
    Let me see if I can hit all the bullet points for you.
    • Kits are not permitted to be traded, regardless of them being former tier kits, and server upgrade kits.
    • The items contained in the kits are normal items so if someone wants to trade gold ingots it isn't exactly something we choose to police as this would require additional man hours for little gain.
    • Duping results in a permanent ban, regardless of the block being duplicated dirt, kits, draconium are all the same when it comes to the duping policy.
    • End game lists are generated as time permits. If a pack does not have an End Game list this does not imply there are no End Game list, rather the staff has not had time to write one, or in the case of Divine Journey, it was formerly a patron only server where we did not feel the need to enforce end game trading as it is a smaller community, coupled with HQM packs default to a standard of only worldgen items should be traded publicly.
    • Sharing of items, research etc can happen between teammates as they are assumed to be of one body and mind when it comes to the game.
    • Trading privately allows you to trade anything you wish to trade, staff does not monitor private trades, and if two parties agree to ruin each others game then we stay out of it.
    • As for the rules page missing things, or needing an update, the rules page is currently being updated.

    As for players regards to the rules and finding loopholes.. That is entirely too big for just a mere bullet point. It is the nature of man to build and create, while it is also in the nature of man to destroy and change. For every rule we painstakingly craft someone one will decided to argue against it, or argue another interpretation of the rules which is well within your rights as a player. As for selective enforcement of the rules, this is more of what we refer to as confirmation bias, rather than a reality. While you may not see another player having their behavior corrected all the time it does not mean we ignore behaviors, it may simply mean we choose to deal with it in a less flashy way then the ban hammer.

    You are always welcome to apply to join the team if you want to really make a difference here.
  3. Zippity_Doodah

    Zippity_Doodah Well-Known Member

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    11:26 AM
    I thank you for adding to what I already figured, for myself in any case, was actually the case, based off my years of experience playing with the MyM Community... I just wanted to see an "Official" response in a location (such as the forums) where everyone could see some clear understanding and interpretation of the intended rules... The real issue, with regards to the Rules page, is stuff like what you mention above, some stuff is not fully covered by our current rules page... When I hear what players are doing and I decide to warn them against stuff being a rule violation, I sometimes (not always) get the response that it's not against the rules if it's not listed somewhere, or easy to find, such as the Rules Page here on the forums, and in the Rules Section when first joining a server...

    As to specific things, such as the Duplicating of items on servers like Divine Journey... The end game Creative Items apparently allow for the easy duplication of items using items not currently banned... I never reached the end of Divine Journey, so I can not attest to the validity of what items allow for easy duplication of materials and so forth, but I've heard other players, who are at those stages, mention the duplication of items using the End Game items designed into the Pack as part of it's Creative Items progression... Is that a technical violation of the rules? Most likely yes, but then it appears to be a part of the actual progression functionality of that pack, which then begs the question, does that then become a special case that doesn't necessarily fall under the rule? The issue you also run into when there is no, posted, End Game List for a specific Mod Pack, it opens the can of worms for people to feel justified in sharing and trading everything, since there is no specifically stated list for that Pack... And I've had a similar discussion a while back concerning a base End Game List and it was pointed out that it is not really practical for the MyM setup, and that individual lists will always be needed and used... Not wanting to sound like I'm complaining about this particular pack too much, as I no longer play it... But I did notice a habit of both tickets being made and staff being hit up in TS a lot with regards to "End Game" items appearing in the DJ server's Market all the time... Without a End Game List, this technically is a lot of extra work being created for staff, recorded or not (via tickets), somewhat due to the lack of a list specific to that pack...

    Also, with regard to "coupled with HQM packs default to a standard of only worldgen items should be traded publicly". Is this actually indicated in the rules page? Because, I've known about that rule for a while, but again, it's another rule missing from the Rules List or in an easy to find location where folks can easily refer to it for enforcement purposes... I know it's a headache and more work to have to address this type of situation, but in the end, if it's in a nice centralized location where it's clear to all members that it is doctrine, would that not help curtail issues of violators as time goes on? Obviously, there are those people that will violate rules anyway, but I just wanted to point that one out as an example of a "mostly" enforced rule that it not really on the Rules page...

    I do thank you very much for your very fast response with regards to my whole post... I didn't want it to sound like a long list of complaints... It's something I've been building up to posting for a while now, but just finally found a tipping point where I felt it might be best to bring it up, and perhaps get some more clarity, that I felt might he missing from our current set of rules, that would be, now, easier to locate and refer people to...

    Alas, as to the joining of staff... On a personal level, I've done the whole staff member thing before, although not necessarily with MyM, over the years... Not that MyM has this particular issue, but I tend to find it involves a fair share of Drama, that at my age, I feel is far too complicated to put up with... If, perhaps the staff was purely made up of mature adults, then perhaps I might reconsider, and risk it... But I'll really have to think about it before making that type of decision... It's not the commitment to helping the community in general that I fear, or the possibility of too many chiefs and not enough Indians, but the reluctance to put myself in a position of high stress, while dealing with not just immature players, but immature co-workers as well... This isn't a real life job, where the pay would compensate for the increase in stress and drama, but my form of entertainment and social interaction... Perhaps one day, sometime in the future, I might reconsider, but I do thank you for the suggestion and offer...

    Thanks again,

  4. brandonlk

    brandonlk Well-Known Member

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    Local Time:
    6:26 PM
    ah the old what is allowed for trade, i was there when that started.
    in regards to being staff on mym, its fun, atleast it was when i was on ag skies :D mabye when i become more active and find a modpack i enjoy i will come back

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