I was mining around in the farm world when i ran into a concussion creeper around y level 12 thinking nothing about it i kept mining and was suddenly teleported underneath the bedrock. Luckily i can fly so i was able to catch myself and use /home, however i am sure a less fortunate person than me might discover this issue the hardway. sincerely, Metalobism (CEO of Metalocorp)
well if this fix has been implemented it either didn't work or MyM hasn't updated that far. This bug happened to me last night.
The fix for the concussion creeper was indeed in the 1.5.0 version, and we are currently running Infinity 1.5.1. However, there are more recorded events like this, for Infinity 1.5.1, as well as on DW20 1.4.1, both of these running the same version of Ender Zoo that we also currently have, 1.0.11 This will hopefully get fixed in the next update of Infinity, which will happen in the near future.